
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Little Tony and the Gift of Knowledge

Little Tony watched sadly as a grown
man dug through a garbage can. The
man eventually found a half empty
soda and started drinking it.

Down the street a young Chicano
Couple eyes wide from drugs sat
huddled together whispering  and
scheming, as Tony walked by deep
in thought.

He had watched his mom rubbing her
aching feet each night from her job at
the motel. He knew he wanted to help
her and make this a good Christmas
but he didn’t know how.

As he passed by a store he ran into one
of the school counselors. “Tony, how
are you,” asked Paul. “I’m okay, I guess
just trying to figure out what career to
choose when I graduate.”

“Hey, I can help you with that. Just 
come by my office anytime and we can 
go over all the career choices you can 
make.”“Cool, said Tony, and thanks 
Paul for letting me  know.”

First thing Monday, Tony dropped by
Paul’s office, “Hi Tony, great to see you,
the first thing we have to determine is
where your interests and talents lie.
For that, we shall have you take some
career assessment tests.”

Tony, took the tests and waited until
Paul came back with the results. “Well
Tony, it looks like you have a strong
aptitude for all things mechanical. ,
have you ever thought about being
an engineer or maybe an auto

“Yea,” replied Tony, “I love lowriders
and classic cars.” “Tony, the college
down the street has a great automotive
program, I am going to send you there
to meet with the program director,

Tony couldn’t believe it, here he was
so close to Christmas and hopefully
soon he might have some good news
for his mom.  A few days later after
meeting with the schools automotive
director he was told he could enroll
there as soon as he finished up his 
senior year.

Later that day when he got home his
mom was already home. “Tony, is that
you mijo?” “Yes mom and I have some
news for you.” Oh no, don’t’ tell me
you got the grocers daughter pregnant?” 
No, mom it’s nothing like that.”

“I applied to the automotive program
at the college and got accepted.” “Oh,
mijo, that’s wonderful!” replied his mom.
“It’s only a two year program and after
 that I’ll have a real great job. Then
maybe someday I can even open up 
our own auto repair shop and you 
won’t have to work anymore.

 Tony’s mom, was weeping now.
“Tony, you don’t know how many
nights I’ve stayed up worried about
you, but now I don’t have to worry
anymore. Now, mijo the only thing
I have to worry about is how to keep
that cute cachetona at the grocery
store from trapping you!”

They both laughed, and hugged each
other. “You know mom, the
 knowledge that I have gained in
school has been the best Christmas
gift of all and I owe it all to you and
to a little baby born in Bethlehem.

Note: Knowledge is power, and it
comes only through learning and 
education.Education, takes many
forms from books, to on the job 
training to trade schools and also
colleges and universities.

Merry Christmas 2017 to all!

Copyright 2017 Frank Solis
All Rights Reserved