
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Old School Vs New Times

Work was hard in the old days

but no one complained, mainly

because money would stretch

back then and the prices of

goods were fair.


Now days, the price of almost

everything is sky high, and the

people have to budget almost

everything in order to survive.


Food back then was much better

because it was pure and fresh,

also, it was not full of fillers

and the junk that it almost takes

a dictionary just to find out

what’s in it.


Also, love was a serious matter

and even though there were

“players around,” most people

took love, relationships, and

marriage, very seriously. La Raza,

also stuck together like melted

cheese on a tortilla, and backed

each other up, as they stood

together, through all the prejudice

and discrimination of those times.


Now, our kids have an open road

to learn a good career and educate

themselves, they have opportunities

that the old school Raza never had.

Now, the time has come for Mexican

American parents and their kids to

buckle up and give education its

rightful place in our families.


The truth is our young people will

always struggle and end up scraping

the bottom of the barrel for whatever

leftovers can be found in life without

it. It is also time for all Mexican

Americans to register to vote

and press our politicians for more

educational opportunities and job

training for our kids, because without

these two things our kids will only

continue to hope in vain for success.


Our young people, should make

education a top priority along with

staying away from the bad side of life,

so that they can enjoy a success filled

life, full of happiness, and the things

they want out of life.


Also, young people please don’t forget

to respect and honor the past generations

of Mexican-Americans who with their

struggles and courage, fought adversity

in order for you to have this wonderful

opportunity. So, get an education, or a

great paying trade. By doing this you

honor all the ones who never had the

chance to study.


Frank Solis Copyright 2021

All Rights Reserved


 “At the end of the day, you can have all the

talent in the world. But if you don't put in the

work, nothing works. The engine doesn't start

going. It's a car without gas.” - Ryan Garcia

World Champion Boxer -






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