
Friday, January 29, 2021

Puppet Master 4

The Awakening of La Raza


I don't like what is going on."

Said the Puppet Master. "This

disturbs me greatly, as they seem

to be waking up from my dark


Hmm, the allure of drugs, booze,

and the wild party life, is not losing

its attraction, during the Pandemic?"

The Puppet Master mulled what had

to be done for continuing his horrific

destruction of the youth of La Raza.

"Let's see, they are not following

social distancing measures, and

as they get infected, they take the

virus home to the people they say

they love.  But they are selfish

little creatures, and mostly only

think of their own gratification."

But then suddenly, the Puppet

Master frowned and let out a

groan. "What, he screamed.

They are on the verge of

discovering the key to prosperity

and happiness, even though I am

tempting them with waves of

hell's sensual lies, they still seem

to be awakening from their sleep.

No! Just as I destroyed the

knowledge of the Aztec and Maya

kingdoms, I must do the same with

the youth of La Raza.

This must not be, if they find out

their true heritage, that they are

meant to be leaders and rulers,

they will achieve great things,

and it will destroy my plans for

their complete destruction. Because,

once they realize that the gaining of

knowledge is the secret key to

success and prosperity in the world,

they will become unstoppable!"

Authors Note: Everyone must tell the

kids and teens of La Raza, that the power

to achieve their dreams, is in their hands.

The magic key is learning. Along with it

comes knowledge, understanding, and


Frank Solis Copyright 2021

All Rights Reserved

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